First and foremost in the Additional Degrees must be The Holy Royal arch which is the completion of 'Pure
Antient Masonry and the completion of the 3rd Degree. See the RAR pages for more information.
Below are informational fact sheets about other additional Degrees and Orders available in Cyprus
AD01 Mark degree (There are 4 Mark Degree Lodges under the District Grand Mark Lodge) Generally considered the 4th Degree in Freemasonry and the completion of the 2nd Degree. Candidates must be Master Masons.
AD02 Royal Ark Mariners. (There is 1 RAM Lodge which meets at Episcopi) This order operates under the Auspices of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England & Wales and it's Districts and Lodges overseas. Candidates for Elevation must be Mark Master Masons
AD03 Rose Croix. (There are 8 Chapters under the Ancient & Accepted Rite for Cyprus) Candidates must be Master Masons under the English Constitution.
AD04 Knights Templar & Malta (There is one Preceptory in Cyprus meeting in Limassol.) Candidates must be Master Masons of at least one years standing and Companions of the Holy Royal Arch. Membership is normally by Invitation only. (Fact Sheet Coming soon)
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